Easy frozen yoghurt

With summer making a brief appearance over the past week or two, the ice cream attachment has been getting a bit of a work out. I generally make ice cream from a custard base, which is pretty straight forward and gives delicious flavour with brilliant texture. Only thing is, it's very energy dense. Frozen yoghurt, on the other hand, has a lot less fat, which if you're counting energy and not macro nutrients, is a great solution. Plus I like the tanginess.

This recipe is a great base. I'll be experimenting with flavours over the next couple of days.

Vanilla frozen yoghurt

Makes around 1 litre
3 cups Greek yoghurt
2/3 cup caster sugar
1 tspn vanilla bean paste


Combine all ingredients and stir until the sugar has completely dissolved. Chill for an hour, then process with ice cream maker. Freeze until mix reaches the desired consistency.

Yes, it really is that easy!


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