Paw paw jam

A paw paw arrived in the fruit box this week. Sad to say, I am not a fan. But when life hands me fruit, I just make jam. And the finished product is pretty fine, even if I do say so myself.

Being completely unsure of whether or not paw paw has enough acid and pectin to set successfully, I used a sachet of Jamsetta. I know it's cheating, but it guarantees a great set and reduces the amount of time you check for it.

Paw paw jam

1.5 kg paw paw flesh, cubed
1 kg sugar
2 limes, juiced
50g pectin


Place the fruit, sugar and lime juice in a large saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar dissolves.

Bring to a rapid boil, then reduce the heat slightly. Cook until the fruit is pulpy, skimming any foam that forms from the top. This should take around 20 minutes.

Reduce heat and add the pectin. Stir well, then boil rapidly for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and test for set by placing a teaspoon of jam on a chilled saucer then placing it in the freezer for 30 seconds. If the jam ripples when you push a finger through it, it has set.

Bottle immediately in sterilised jars.


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